Reframing the entities known as microbe and Human

September 20, 2019 – In our society, bacteria usually get really bad press. Indeed, when we hear about them, most of us think about sickness, filth, and disinfectant; if we’re lucky, a foodie may mention yogurt, sauerkraut or probiotics. But are we missing the bigger picture?  As a species, Humans …

Gunes-Helene Isitan

Vernissage & Culture Days: Sine Qua Non

We are delighted to announce the launch of the exhibition Sine Qua Non by Montreal artist Günes-Hélène Isitan. The artist will be present, and visitors will be able to view some of her bio-art slides through a microscope. More information about this exhibition here. Vernissage Saturday, September 25, 2019 3pm …